Welcome to FEP

If you’re reading this then the Forest Economic Partnership’s (FEP) is now live. This is good news as it enables FEP to share more easily what it is done to create and deliver the economic vision for the Forest of Dean through to 2050 by bringing people together.

Before covid-19 we expected to be blogging on a weekly or fortnightly basis with updates from our 3 sub-groups and growing list of projects. For example, we would have been sharing knowledge about the Local Inspiring Forest Event due to be held at Dene Magna on 30th March. Instead we can only thank the 30 businesses that have been working to deliver the event for their time and ask them to keep the preparations ready for when we can hold it!

Categories and Tags

With regular blogs, it is often difficult to track down other articles on the same theme so we are going to index in two ways.

Categories are fixed and will be restricted to:

  • Sub-group titles from each of our current 3 sub-groups
  • Project for any project-related announcement. This may become too full and might be subdivided at a later date.
  • News which may be official press releases or awards
  • Events
  • FEP CIC which is items related to the Community Interest Company which is the legal body for FEP

Tags are more moveable and will be added to. They include:

  • Project titles like IF for Inspiring Forest, HFHG (How Fast? How Good?), BtG (Bridging the Gap), Tech Nations (Tech Nation District) or MaaS (Mobility as a Service). Some only make sense in full like Biosphere Reserve or SMART Rural Leadership.
  • Theme-related items such as Digital, Transport, Infrastructure, Stakeholders, SWOT and Bridges
  • Time-related issues such as Covid-19
  • Opinion where an individual or organisation might be asked to share their view of something. These would not be the view of FEP but might be there to assist debate.
  • Thought and Research are two other tags that may be discussion papers or research from elsewhere which might be useful to the economic debate for the Forest of Dean District.