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Forest Business Climate Charter

Forest Business Climate Charter

33.5% of the Forest of Dean district’s CO2 emissions from energy come from industry and commercial sources. We know there’s appetite from people within businesses and other organisations to transition to carbon neutrality, but many find it difficult to know where to begin.

FBCC 1Reducing emissions often comes with an upfront cost, but are also plenty of other opportunities of taking action to reduce their emissions for businesses, such as cost savings from reducing energy use and waste, future proofing and brand development.

Developed with Forest of Dean District Council as part of Forest of Dean Climate Action Partnership, this Charter aims to help remove barriers to businesses taking action, and create a community of local businesses working collectively towards becoming carbon neutral.

The Commitment

  • Publicly declare a Climate Emergency and commit to becoming carbon neutral by 2030
  • Use a simple free carbon footprint tool to calculate your business’s emissions from its fuel and electricity consumption (scope 1 and 2 emissions).
  • Publish your emissions on your business’s website (if applicable) each year in order to track your progress.
  • Commit to taking 2 or more of the actions to reduce your emissions over the next 12 months.
  • Encourage other businesses to do the same! Tell three other businesses about what you’re doing.

Download the full Forest Business Climate Charter

Actions you can take

  • Directors managers or responsible staff to undergo climate literacy training
  • Appoint and support a Climate Champion(s) from within our organisation
  • Reduce our electricity consumption, e.g. through energy efficient appliances and LED lighting
  • Reduce our gas consumption e.g. through insulating our premises and turning down the thermostat
  • Switch to a green energy supplier
  • Invest in on-site renewable energy generation e.g. solar panels or heat pumps
  • Reduce how far our supplies travel e.g. prioritise Forest based suppliers
  • Source products and services from low carbon suppliers
  • Cut down on our waste
  • Create a travel plan and encourage more sustainable travel
  • Replace fleet vehicles with electric or hybrid models

Sign up to the Forest Business Climate Charter 

We encourage you to not be limited just to the above actions. If you identify other actions that can help you reduce your carbon footprint, please tell us about them and include them on your sign up form.

 Developed in collaboration with Forest of Dean District Council.

  Forest of Dean District Council Logo