Is there a Broadband Problem?

How Fast? How Good ?Is there a problem with broadband in the Forest of Dean? This is the question that FEP has been asking with its How Fast How Good is your Broadband survey. This is due to end shortly. It takes just 4 minutes to complete and the results are completely confidential so if you’ve not answered and you’re at home do it now  here  .

Why Should I?

That is a great question and here are some reasons why:

  • The more people that answer, the clearer the picture is where the real problems exist with the network locally. More answers mean single voices become a group that is heard.
  • Broadband is an issue for rural areas generally, yet planners and government make assumptions on the base level of service. The latest assumption is that 97% of the population has a 10Mbps download and 2Mbps upload necessary for ‘normal life’. Are you part of the 97%?
  • Digital has become more important with lockdown. As organisations look for people to work from home in the new normal, broadband becomes crucial. With more answers, FEP can compare this survey with last year’s and the Forest becomes one of the first areas to provide user evidence of impact. If it's bad we're first in the queue.
  • My broadband is fine. Please tells us, as we’re interested in satisfaction as much as with speed. Last year showed there was no straight link between broadband speed and satisfaction yet most is sold on ‘guaranteed’ speed alone.
  • Suppliers project the speed of your line to point it enters your house. This is always faster than the speed at your hub or device. Can we by working smarter close that gap to benefit today rather than wait for future engineering works. We’re looking for volunteers for the second part of the research and there is a chance to opt in.

Answer How Fast How Good is Your Broadband 2 Now

Not done the survey. Here’s the link, do it now. .

Done the survey then share this link on your social media and encourage everyone to do it.

The worst that could happen is that the District of the Forest of Dean gets the broadband service its needs sooner.